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Colts Argentina

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Colts Argentina's Recent Comments

Colts Argentina 1 Posts (1 )
5 years 5 month(s) ago
Which team do you think is better? Which team could reach now this season a greater potential? The Jets or the Browns? Last week a +8.5 as the first open line (later +10) seemed for many people a good bet against the Patriots. Why now suddenly +13 of a better team like Cleveland is bad? NE could easily reach it, but the only sure thing is that the abrupt changes of looking from one week to another are bad advisers, and great opportunities to bet against them.
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NFL Picks Against the Spread: Week 8, 2019
Colts Argentina 1 Posts (1 )
5 years 5 month(s) ago
Wal what do you think is the key to your best results this year? Particularly i notice you less fanatically with the teams you have more and less consideration. Also, maybe you've ever written it, why don't you play line games? I feel that there is too much fortune in ATS, many times the match strategies (for the inside games scores) affect the outcome of the bet, more than one time what is a good or bad bet ends in the opposite result.
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